Start Smiling to Heal Everything

Lex Christian R.
4 min readJun 3, 2020

Why Smile?

I am writing this because you’re forgetting about it already, that you have in you, everything that you need to begin changing, and healing your life.

And it’s going to start with a smile.

Among all other expressions, a smile is something you might hardly notice in yourself. You can go throughout your day, and remember the times that you laughed, got mad, excited, and even the times you felt stressed, or frustrated.

While these emotions feel bigger and more important to note, a smile is rather a magical moment.

You can barely notice it as it passes. But when you took hold of it in the moments it gets to you, the effect is life changing.

A smile can uplift your mood tenfold, and greatly increases your sense of gratitude. Knowing you can smile at a certain moment, brings an inner peace inside yourself, and an amount of faith that can make you feel hopeful.

More than that, smiling is not only a sign of hope, but also a way for your mind and body to feel calm and at peace. In the modern times, where almost everything is a fast-paced distraction, a smile can make a moment feel slow and bearable.

Slow and Bearable

Yes, you heard that correctly. Life is in truth, slow and bearable.

I know most people would say life is ephemeral and cruel, and before you know it, you’re already at the end of it. That life is a split-second.

It is, actually, but only when you go so fast in your life, you forgot to take hold of the moments.

Taking life slowly will help you enjoy every moment and memory of it. Life is a gift that must be savored, and carried with grace. You should not rush from one moment to another, thinking you were chasing a life that must be maximized, and used up. Rather, you make the most out of it by being present in every moment of it, no matter how slow and small any second of it can be.

Say, a quiet time with a loved one, or perhaps playing with your kids. Listening to your parents, or watching the birds in the morning as you wake up and appreciate another breath of this life you have. These moments feel slow and small, compared to any great achievements life can offer, but in the end, you’ll realize those moments are the ones that truly matter.

These moments are not reasons for you to smile, but a smile during these times will definitely bring all the reasons you need to continue living, and bearing this life.

Smile to Have Reason

That brings us to our main topic. Smile to have reason. Smile to start healing.

Most of the time you feel down and depressed, and have no sense of direction because you’re only forgetting the reasons why you are living in this world.

Yes, maybe you have no loved one anymore. Maybe life has been so pretty messed up lately, that you are not in control, and that everything is turning chaotic and confusing. Maybe you feel you are not privileged enough. Or perhaps you are dead-broke, betrayed or heartbroken.

Well, just smile. Smile because you are still breathing, and reading this. It means your mind, your soul, and your body, (or let’s say just your luck) are all still believing that you can make it.

Start to redefine things in your life now. Your pursuit of happiness. Your concept of peace and freedom. Your idea of yourself.

Smile and have courage to face your fears right now. Most of the highly successful people who walked this Earth experienced the same thing. Realize that everyone of us all have a moment of disorientation and crisis. What would define us, is our response when we are put into challenging times.

It’s not necessary that life should be good today. If life was better when you were a child, when you enjoy the little sunrises and sunsets, then try to go there as you smile. Try to remember the old dreams that you have, that made you say, “God, I thank you for this life.”

Smile, because as you keep on seeking, you shall find the healing that you need most.

This is clearly stated by Jesus in the Bible:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

Matthew 7:7 NIV

There must be a reason why Christ said that during that time, for us to ponder today.

It can only mean that we are destined to find and fulfill our destiny, whatever we want it to be, and wherever we desire it to be.

So smile and think, do you want to be unhappy? Or would you rather stay happy? To feel that everything will be okay, and things will be put to their right places, in perfect time.

That is a grace that will come from your smile.



Lex Christian R.

Starry-eyed. Adventurer. Storyteller. and Gaming Video Creator.