You are Not as Little as You Think

Lex Christian R.
4 min readApr 18, 2021

Let’s start this with a famous quote by Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, either way you are right.” This only means that if you believe you can do something, you can do it. Is it really that simple?

I know that the world is pretty messed up lately. I know about the pandemic, the hunger, the injustice, and pollution.

I know that it is hard to live, and to keep up with all the things that are happening. When everyday feels like a never-ending race, a gamble on life.

So many times, we tried, failed, and then ended up disappointed to ourselves and to others.

When situations do not go according to our plan, little by little, we feel stale. We feel as if we are little, incapable to bring forth the reality we wanted, and the dreams we are so trying hard to achieve.

I am writing this right now because that is what I felt in this past two years. The start of the pandemic hit hard on me when I lost my job, and I was so down with very little savings. I do not even know whether I could do it, and I was so scared to go out. Literally unsure what will happen, or whether will I survive.

I felt very little and very irrelevant. The pool of good things to post in Facebook or Instagram suddenly went dry, and I lost activity. But then I ask myself, “Can I?”

I ask myself this because even though I was at the bottom last year, I have a dream. I have an ambition. I have a purpose that I believe in. I want to bring positive things to the world. And so that time, I ask, “Can I really do it despite all these lockdowns, these restrictions, these crazy situations?”

The answer is that I can never give up.

I found a job and began working from home at night. During the day, I began part time livestreaming on Facebook. I started my page RPGSTREAMER PH, when I realized that the dream could start even when everything feels going the opposite direction.

The truth is, with the job that I found, I could already survive. I could already help my family live without any problems pertaining to this pandemic. And I could put everything to rebuild my savings for the future. But then again, to survive myself is not the dream. To have a future myself is not the final goal or reason.

As I go along with my journey with livestreaming, meet new people, discover my viewer’s stories, play with them, and have fun with them, I thought of the blessing that God gave me.

Maybe for some people it is too little, but I realized that if you can stay indoors today with your loved ones, if you can eat without having to go out and work and put yourself at risk, that is a great blessing already.

And as saddening as it is, not too many people can afford it here in the Philippines where I live. Not too many people can put food in their table without going out.

So what once was a place to have fun and just play games, my Facebook Gaming page suddenly became a vision to me. I used the page to give to others what little I have through game contests and giveaways, and to build a community and family of gamers. All to push forth my dream.

I realized that the gaming community is one of the most positive communities you could be involved in. It is one of the places where camaraderie is real, and where people help other people out of passion and purpose.

It makes me glad that I have found a place to direct my energy. Right now, the page is still on its early stage, but with every little growth every stream, the vision is becoming clearer. I rev up my goals and put all the support I am receiving back to the community.

Happiness and faith in humanity is what I get out of it as compensation.

I am writing this because you might think that you cannot do anything right now. You might think that you are lacking, you are poor, you are just living every day, trying to survive. Because I believe that truth is that you are not.

What seems to be a little blessing to you can mean a whole lot to others. What buys you coffee in the morning, can put food on the table for a family in one day.

No matter what situation you are in, you will always find a way to bless others as long as you willed it. Be it through your wealth, your art, skills, kindness, or even just your presence. You are capable.

I am poor. I am lacking. I am just trying to survive as well. But I realized that I am not really, as little as I think I am. More than just someone who is trying to build an empire for myself, or feel pleasure and fun here on Earth, I am a part of a greater whole. And you are part of it too.

My dream is to be one with the whole.

I pray peace be with us All.



Lex Christian R.

Starry-eyed. Adventurer. Storyteller. and Gaming Video Creator.